• "Great information" - Jacqueline Joslin
  • "Great Job. Information is the key to success" - Thomas Tedford
  • "Great Job! Thank you" - Brent Oaks
  • "Thanks for a great seminar. Can't wait for the next one" - Harold Hake
  • "Great Advice" - Stephan Meredith
  • "Great recommendation for good management" - Bethany Innella
  • "Great job. Well done." - Jimmy S.
Wednesday, January, 22nd 11:00am (EST)
Insurance Coverage & Clean-Up Expenses
Q&A on increasing revenue on the required cleanup of vehicle operating fluids.

Topics include:
Law vs. Regulation
Tow Service Agreements
Clean Water Act
Pollution & Illicit Discharge
Role of a Claims Adjuster
Standardization and Professionalism
& Quantum Meruit……What’s Quantum Meruit???

Jim Figueira, Environmental Chemical Solutions
Jim Figueira is Vice President-Environmental Chemical Solutions (ECS) For over 30 years. Jim has worked with the emergency response contractors, fire departments, municipalities, HAZMAT companies and the environmental industry in establishing and implementing spill response and pollution mitigation programs. For the past several years, Jim has worked with incident management towers (IMT’s) in implementing a cost recovery program for the cleanup of vehicle operating fluids released into the environment from motor vehicle accidents and traffic collisions. He brings this knowledge to help the IMT to realize their legislative role as environmental stewards and to recognize what the insurer needs to see when they review a claim for spill cleanup.
Wednesday, January, 29th. 11:00am (EST)
Snatch Blocks 101
A good understanding of how snatch blocks work will allow tow operators to develop a rigging plan that will keep your equipment within it’s working load limit and successfully move the casualty back to the roadway. Equipment capacities, reducing line tension, changing the direction of pull, and the effects of line angles will be discussed during this webinar.

Terry Abejuela, American Towman
American Towman Field Editor Terry Abejuela has over 45 years of experience in the light duty towing and recovery industry. He is a Light Duty Level 1 and Level 2 Instructor for the California Tow Truck Association. He was awarded the CTTA Rich Chappel Industry Leader Award in 2019. He holds a State of California Part-Time Vocational Education Teaching Credential to teach Light Duty Towing and Recovery Operation and has served as an expert witness in towing related matters.
Wednesday, February 5 • 11:00 am (EST)
EV Hazards and The Aftermath for Towing and Recovery
Energy Security Agency will present a brief overview of potential hazards tow operators will face when interacting with hybrid and electric vehicles, then how to handle the EV after the initial incident. Energy Security Agency will also present solutions for after the incident, what happens when the vehicle is brought back to the tow yard and how to help protect your organization, your tow operators and a variety of solutions to common hurdles the Tow Operators/Owners are facing.

Don Snider, Energy Security Agency
Wednesday, February 12 • 11:00 am (EST)
Building an In-House training Program
Join Business Editor, Brian Riker, as he discusses the do’s and don’ts of building your own training program. Where should you get your material from, how do you know what you are training is accurate and what considerations must be made for different learning styles. Brian draws from his 30+ years of training CDL truck drivers and tow operators to give you his best practices and insights.

Brian Riker, American Towman
Saturday February 22 11:00am (EST)
EV Commercial Vehicle Tow Ability
Currently and in the near future, operators across the industry will be dealing with tasking Commercial Electric vehicles. In this webinar, ERSCA's Director of Training, Shane Coleman will be sharing insights and information operators need to know. Keying in on the operations side of the work, topics like Emergency Response Guides, attachment / lift points, and even the sequence of the "hook-up" and or transportation of Commercial EV's will be addressed. "Commercial Electric vehicles will affect the operators not only in what type / level of service they will provide, but more importantly, how they provide it.

Shane Coleman, ERSCA

Wednesday, February 26 • 11:00am (EST)
Payment Protection: Proven Strategies to Win More Chargebacks and Disputes
RoadSync is the digital financial platform for the Towing and Recovery industry. By removing paper and phone calls from business transactions, RoadSync offers a fast, convenient, and secure way to move and manage money and conduct business, dramatically reducing payment processing time and maximizing revenue collection. Some core features: • Payment acceptance of all types • Fraud Prevention and Security • Industry workflows for Work Orders and Invoice Creation • Integrations that fit your business with Towbook and others • And More..

Robin Gregg, RoadSync

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If you have any questions please contact Mike Corbin, mike@towman.com.

Past Webinars (previously recorded still available for purchase):